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1.16 Devotions from the Book of Ephesians

Ephesians 5:1-20

Are you walking with Jesus? 

Consider what it means to walk in love as Christ loved and GAVE HIMSELF UP for you. Are you willing to give yourself up for Him? What does that need to look like in your life? 

Imagine your arms are full of various possessions. I walk up to you with a priceless gift created and fashioned just for you; what will you do? Will you set the other things down? Or, will you hold on to your possessions and try and balance the priceless gift I have for you?

The costly price of Jesus’ gift requires that we lay things of this world down. Things like immorality, impurity, jealousy, filthy and foolish talk, and crude joking have no place among those who are walking wisely with Jesus. We are also warned not to be deceived by empty words that lead us to disobedience and insure the wrath of God. What things in your life are luring you away from walking wisely? What lies are you listening to that you need to lay down so that you can walk hand in hand with your Savior? 

Don’t be discouraged but understand that Jesus died so that you and I can have hope and walk as children of light as we discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 

For the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true. 

Light exposes what is in the darkness. My son-in-law installed LED lights in all my outdoor lights so that those lights will last longer and I can keep them on all through the night. He wants my house to be well lit at night because it deters those who may want to approach since they cannot hide in the light. Let’s pray that God will show us where we need to shine in the lives of each other. Let’s let that light be a way to show us what burdens or sins we need to lay down so that we can walk wisely in love united for the mission of sharing the hope of Jesus with our audiences. 

One of the best parts of STP (you’ve heard this from many of our TTAs as they’ve taken over devotions) is the opportunity to sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs together backstage. This is exactly what Paul told the Ephesians to do. When we do this we come together as a cast where we can lay our burdens down and step into light away from the darkness that lures us into its empty and dangerous places. What do you need to lay down? 

Again, I ask you… are you walking with Jesus? If not, and you would like to talk about it, please reach out to any of our great staff. We would be happy to talk and pray with you. 

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