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New Executive Director

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

For the Spiritual Twist community, it is a season of change and sweet goodbyes. It’s a time of remembering and being thankful for a faithful journey taken by a woman who truly wanted to use theatre as a means of reaching students and teaching them to love God more than anything else. Theatre was the avenue in which many students over the years were presented with truth, wrapped in love and acceptance and Natalie Snapp was the instrument the Lord used to carry out this mission.  After 31 years of faithful service and obedience, Natalie has decided that her new season would be retirement.   So, it is with a bitter sweetness that we start our new year at STP.  Our community will miss Natalie greatly. We will miss her warm smile, her gentle answers, her wisdom, and her heart and passion for using theatre for the Lord.  She has run the race well, serving the STP community as founder and Executive Director, and we are confident that one day, when she stands before the Savior, He will say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Natalie, thank you. Thank you for pouring your heart into this ministry, for your obedience to the call, and for rising to meet what He set before you. You will be missed greatly but we wish you all the best in your retirement.  We pray it will be a season of refreshment, rejuvenation, and much deserved rest. We love you!

There is a time and purpose for all things. We believe that God is working to do some amazing things through STP within this season of change. There is an excitement in the air, a freshness, a new buzz of activity in the building as we kick-off the new year of classes and start preparations for our 2018-2019 productions.  It’s going to be a fabulous year! And the STP Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Mrs. Leslie Hanna as our new Executive Director.  Leslie and her family have been involved with STP for many years.  As an actress, director, musical director, mom, church leader, and faithful servant, we believe that her gentleness, her wisdom, and her experience will serve her well in this role. We ask that you pray for her as she steps into some very big shoes. (It’s hard to follow someone who birthed the ministry and watched it grow over 31 years!)  As Leslie and her family adjust to this new season, please remember to keep them close in your prayers, offer words of encouragement, and join us in welcoming her to the position of Executive Director.

Looking forward to all that God will do this year!

The STP Board of Directors

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